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Writer's pictureGregory & Jackie Pope

Loose the Bind on Your Mind

Prisoners of war, among other things, are often kept in very tight quarters. They aren’t given space to move and stretch. Binding them up in this way is a type of torture. Even once they are freed, they need time and guidance to acclimate to the space they have. To get used to the freedom.

This same thing happens to believers. After spending a portion of our lives bound up by the lies of the enemy, we get saved. When we get saved we now have freedom in Christ! Too many times believers read about this freedom in the Bible but don’t fully accept it for themselves. Because of this, they remain bound up in their thinking for years and years after getting saved. They’ve asked Jesus into their heart but not their mind, not their choices, not their ways of thinking.

Have you experienced hell in your mind that is conflicting with what the Living Word says? We want to help you access the freedom that belongs to you, in Christ! John 8:36 says “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed”. This freedom is freedom from sin, freedom from sickness, and freedom from wrong thinking. This freedom is the truth of the Word. So anything that keeps you living contrary to the Truth is what? A lie.

Colossians 3:2 says “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” When we engage our minds with the lies of the enemy, those lies become our reality. Just as easily, when we disengage from that, and instead engage with the Truth, our reality will become Heavenly. Our reality will measure up to the Kingdom Principles laid out in Romans 14:17. “For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking [what one likes] but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Righteousness, peace, and joy are all characteristics of God that are reflected in our lives when we live a life set on Him and His Truth!

We do all of this by “changing the station” in our minds. Does the enemy have you tuned into everything that’s going wrong in your world? If so, you’re most likely participating in a lot of murmuring and complaining. Murmuring and complaining is letting the Lord know “I don’t think what you did is enough”. It’s saying “Jesus, I need you to suffer a little longer on the cross, and then maybe I’ll be happy”. Murmuring and complaining, when left unchecked, leads to envy and selfish ambition (that is following the desires of your flesh). James 3:16 tells us “for where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice”.

It matters what you think on. It matters what you say. With every thought meditated on and with every word spoken you are announcing to yourself, God, and those around you which Kingdom you are advancing.

We believe that you can join the winning team at any moment! We believe you can come out of the places you are bound in an instant! Call on the wonderful and glorious name of Jesus! In Luke 4:18 Jesus says “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free”. We are claiming this verse over every person reading this! We proclaim liberty and freedom over any captivity, bondage, or addiction! We believe that NOTHING in hell can hold you bound if you cry out to Jesus!

Quit believing the lies of the enemy over your life! Believe in Jesus more than you believe in your problems! Believe in Him more than you believe in your circumstances. Believe in Him more than you believe in the sins you choose to participate in. Getting free is as simple as saying “no” to the enemy and “yes” to the Lord. It may not always be easy but it is simple. When you put your faith, your trust, your thoughts, and your words all in agreement with the Kingdom of God, He will strengthen you to be all He has called you to be!

Perhaps you’re reading this and you feel like it’s too late. Maybe your mind has been bound for a long time. Maybe you’ve known the truth but you haven’t let it overtake your thoughts. We promise you that it’s never too late. We don’t serve a harsh God. We don’t serve a “I’ve been waiting long enough” God. We serve a God who keeps His arms open to His children. We serve a God who says “You rejected me yesterday, but today is a new day. Come home to me.” One moment is all it takes. Turn your eyes, turn your heart, turn your mind to Him. Meditate on the Word and be wrapped up in His overwhelming love and peace! He never stops desiring a relationship with YOU!

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